Friday, March 11, 2011

I am sorry,

but I need to take a break.

I don't know what God is doing right now, and I need to sit and be with Him and figure it out.

I have never been so terrified, unsettled, and lost in my entire life.

I covet your prayers.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Once again..

I have been seriously lacking in writing in here. I think part of it is because I feel like the thoughts I put here need to be neat and composed and packaged so that it doesn't show any of my constant wondering and overthinking about what I'm thinking.

One thing the Lord has truly been showing me recently (not in my reading of Leviticus - although I am actually learning from that) is the importance of Christian community. The body of Christ. Not just for serving in different ways in the church and in the community, but to show Christ's redemptive love to each other, to push us towards growth and encourage us in sanctification, and to show others the gospel.

What better way to show others the gospel than to live the gospel? In a society where people are selfish and use others as either a way for personal gain or a hindrance to that goal (thank you Paul Tripp for that quote), what could better proclaim the life-altering love of Christ by letting others see how it affects your daily interactions?

Since I have been reading "How People Change" by Paul Tripp and really thinking about Christian community, I have noticed more and more where the Word calls us to community. It's everywhere. [Now that I just wrote that, I tried to look up references and can't pinpoint them. Oh blog fail.]

But every time I read "you together with all the saints" or "confess to one another" or "pray for one another" or "encourage one another" or "edify one another" or "spur one another on towards love and good deeds" etc etc etc all I think is that THIS is what God wants - He wants us to be in COMMUNITY - our relationship with Christ shouldn't be a secret, individual, in-your-own-mind thing. It is a calling to be part of a bigger picture, to show the gospel and practice Christ's love through loving others.

So how is your Christian community?