Saturday, February 12, 2011

Steadfast love.

I love when I feel convicted. I'm not sure if that's normal, or if everyone does, but I love it. I love that feeling of disappointment and frustration at what I'm doing. Because it ultimately drives me to prayer, to Christ, and to change.
This morning I was reading Exodus 20, and every single time I would read a commandment, I would just stop and pray. Dear Lord, I'm sorry for the times that I have put others in front of you and made them idols in my life. Thank you for your grace.  or Lord I'm sorry for any time I have been angry or hated someone that You have created.. I know this is like murder in your eyes.  Etc., and so on.

It's so nice to be able to step back and see the steadfast love of the Lord. If someone hurt me as many times as I hurt my Savior, I don't think I would stick by them for very long. If someone was constantly rejecting me and telling me by their actions that other things tend to be more pleasurable at the time and that amazing works I had made, like artwork all around, didn't really have any importance or significance, I would probably stop being so fond of that person.

But God doesn't do that. Praise the Lord. Because I fail. And I'm still learning. And I need Jesus, day in and day out.
Thank you, Lord, for Your sacrifice.


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