Alece challenged the world of bloggers at the end of 2010 to come up with one word to focus on for the new year. On my tumblr blog (which now I use mostly to just share random quotes, videos, songs, and thoughts), I had already decided on my OneWord 2011. With my issues with tending to act before I pray, I decided on self-control. This fruit of the Spirit is one I yearn for, and pray for with an eager heart.
And yet, as 2011 rolled around and I began to think more about my word, I decided this isn't what I want to settle on. Maybe it's because of my new blog's name, I don't know, but my heart began to draw me continually back to "grace". This word encompasses so much more than I can begin to describe, but here are the ways I will focus on grace, this year, with the Lord's help:
- The grace we receive from Christ in saving us from our own sin and depravity. How beautiful that the Lord should give up His holiness, descend from the throne of heaven to come to earth only to be ridiculed, abandoned, beaten, and murdered in a cursed way, and all for MY sinful self? This grace is beautiful and needs to define my life. If I live in this grace, then how can I not have continuous, flowing joy?
- The grace I need to give and preach to myself. How often do I get angry and punish myself for overreacting or getting angry, or for not doing the right thing, or for any sin that I hate that I do? How often do I tell myself that I do not deserve [a friendship, relationship, encouragement, insert-whatever-here] because of my sin? If I am to grow in grace from Christ, I need to live in grace from Christ. I need to remember that His mercies are new every morning and there is renewal and new hope day by day. So stop with the punishing, and start with the grace, Alicia!
- The grace I need to give others. It is horrible to say, but I don't give grace to others all the time. I need to remember that we are all in the same boat - sinners who have been justified by Christ on the cross. As much as I have to not judge myself for my sin, I can't judge others, either. Luke says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks - and I want my heart to be so filled with grace that my words are words of love, words that heal, and words of grace.
Pray for me as I start this journey.. and I challenge you to pick a "One Word" as well!
grace is really really hard for me. mostly to extend to myself. ugh. this was actually one of my runner-up words... hoping to still grow in this area as well. Lord knows i need it.
ReplyDeleteWe should be as graceful with ourselves as we are with others. Great word!
ReplyDeleteGrace is not a doctrine, Grace is Jesus. Truth is Jesus.
ReplyDeleteJohn 1:17 - For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.